Thinking about the future or simply have some extra cash you want to invest?Left Heading Text.

Up to

4.40Heading Text.

% p.a

Interest Rate

Our term deposits give you the certainty of a fixed rate of return for a set investment period.Right Heading Text.

  • Secure, easy to understand investment
  • Invest from 3 to 24 months
  • Higher interest on larger amounts
  • Ideal for short term investments
  • Interest calculated daily, paid monthly or on maturity/annually from $5000

Term DepositsLeft Heading Text.

Northern Inland offers term deposits from 3 to 24 months. Great short-term investments. See product Fact Sheet in Disclosures and Target Market Determination

Enquire online

$1,000 to $4,999.99 (Term Deposit for under 20's and individual account holders only)Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3 months NA 3.40% p.a.
6 months NA 4.00% p.a.
9 months NA 4.05% p.a.
12 months NA 4.40% p.a.
24 months NA 3.70% p.a.

Left Heading Text.

$5,000 to $9,999.99Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3 months 3.15% p.a. 3.40% p.a.
6 months 3.75% p.a. 4.00% p.a.
9 months 3.80% p.a. 4.05% p.a.
12 months 4.15% p.a. 4.40% p.a.
24 months 3.45% p.a. 3.70% p.a.

Left Heading Text.

$10,000 to $24,999.99Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3 months 3.15% p.a. 3.40% p.a.
6 months 3.75% p.a. 4.00% p.a.
9 months 3.80% p.a. 4.05% p.a.
12 months 4.15% p.a. 4.40% p.a.
24 months 3.45% p.a. 3.70% p.a.

Left Heading Text.

$25,000 to $49,999.99Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3 months 3.15% p.a. 3.40% p.a.
6 months 3.75% p.a. 4.00% p.a.
9 months 3.80% p.a. 4.05% p.a.
12 months 4.15% p.a. 4.40% p.a.
24 months 3.45% p.a. 3.70% p.a.

Left Heading Text.

$50,000 to $99,999.99Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3 months 3.15% p.a. 3.40% p.a.
6 months 3.75% p.a. 4.00% p.a.
9 months 3.80% p.a. 4.05% p.a.
12 months 4.15% p.a. 4.40% p.a.
24 months 3.45% p.a. 3.70% p.a.

Left Heading Text.

$100,000 to $249,999.99Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3 months 3.15% p.a. 3.40% p.a.
6 months 3.75% p.a. 4.00% p.a.
9 months 3.80% p.a. 4.05% p.a.
12 months 4.15% p.a. 4.40% p.a.
24 months 3.45% p.a. 3.70% p.a.

Left Heading Text.

$250,000 +Table Heading Text.

Term Interest Paid Monthly Interest Paid on Maturity
3-24 months

On Application

On Application
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Important Information

The issuer of this product is Northern Inland Credit Union Limited. Please read the Product Fact Sheet before acquiring this product in considering and deciding whether it is right for you. The Target Market Determination for this product is available at