Applicant details
I am at least 18 years of age and an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident* - required
Number of applicants* - required
Applicant 2 details
Loan details
Loan purpose* - required
Property details
New car details
Used car details
Green loan details
Personal loan details
Applicant income
Other income frequency
I give approval for Northern Inland to complete a credit check* - required
Applicant 2 income
Other income frequency
Applicant expenses
If any of the values below are nil please type 'nil'
Number of dependants* - required
Applicant 1 and 2 combined expenses
If any of the values below are nil please type 'nil'
Number of dependants* - required
Extra details
To maintain the security and privacy of your information, please do not include any confidential or member / account specific information in your query
How did you hear about our loans? (select multiple if needed)* - required

Mandatory field(s) marked with *
We collect and use your personal information to assess your application, your credit eligibility, and to provide you with a home loan. For more detail on how we use it for these purposes, refer to our Privacy Notification  (PDF 144.9KB)and Privacy Policy. If you do submit the application, we may share this information with a credit reporting body to obtain a consumer and/or commercial credit report and, at that time, your credit report/s will show that we made an enquiry.