Everyday Account

A day-to-day transaction account with convenient access to regular funds and a full range of payment services.

  • Everyday account for payroll and general access
  • Forms a link between all Northern Inland accounts loans and investment products
  • No monthly account keeping fee
  • Subsidiary accounts available for budgeting and saving
  • EFTPOS payments with your mobile - load your NICU Visa Debit card onto Google PayTM or Apple Pay as your preferred card and shop without your wallet

Everyday Account (S1)Left Heading Text.

Everyday Account Product Features.
Note: this is not an interest bearing account.Left Description Text.

Funds available at call Yes
Branch Transactions Yes
ATM/EFTPOS access Yes
Online Banking Yes
24/7 App Banking Yes
Digital Wallet EFTPOS Payments Google PayTM and Apple Pay available
Alerts (SMS and/or Email) Yes
Direct Debits Yes
Periodic payments Yes
Visa Debit Yes

Budget Calculator

Thumbnail Image

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Are you looking for a savings account to deposit those excess funds? Open a Super Saver account and an everyday transaction.

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Important Information

The issuer of this product is Northern Inland Credit Union Limited. Please read the Product Fact Sheet before acquiring this product in considering and deciding whether it is right for you. The target market determination for this product is available at nicu.com.au/disclosures.

Android, Google Pay, and the Google Logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Safari, and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.