Smart Start Left Heading Text.

Up to

4.00Heading Text.

% p.a

Potential Interest Rate3

If you are 18 to 29 years old, Northern Inland has an ideal savings account to help you make a Smart Start to your future.Right Heading Text.

  • Earn high bonus interest when you meet the requirements (min $1500/mth payroll deposit required)
  • Base interest is applied even when the requirements are not met

Smart Start (S15)Left Heading Text.

Smart Start Rates & FeaturesLeft Description Text.

Enquire Online
Interest Rates
Interest Rate 0.45% p.a.
Potential Interest Rate 4.00% p.a.1

Left Heading Text.

Left Description Text.

Interest Calculated daily, paid monthly
Statements Online Only
ATM/EFTPOS access No
Direct Debits Yes
Periodical Payments Yes

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Important Information

The issuer of this product is Northern Inland Credit Union Limited. Please read the Product Fact Sheet before acquiring this product in considering and deciding whether it is right for you. The target market determination for this product is available at

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1Minimum $1500 direct credit must be received monthly into Smart Start Bonus Saver in order to receive bonus interest. Interest rate if minimum deposit is not made into Bonus Saver is 0.45%