Use the calculator to estimate your personal loan repayments. All you need is the loan term, interest rate and your preferred repayment frequency weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
The calculations are an estimate, not a quote or pre-approval.
Personal loan repayment calculator
How does the personal loan repayments calculator work?
The personal loan calculator calculates your personal loan repayments based on the loan amount, loan term and interest rate you enter into the calculator. Change the frequency of the repayments from (weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments) to better understand what you can budget for.
With a personal loan, you are required to pay back the principal amount borrowed plus any interest and fees associated with the loan. The calculator gives an estimate of repayments based on what you enter into the calculator.
See Northern Inland's personal loans
What you might use a personal loan for
Personal loans are fairly flexible and can be used for a range of things, including:
Holiday or vacation
Wedding and/or honeymoon
Paying off debt
Consolidating debt
Student fees
Paying for home renovations
Paying off medical expenses
Technically, a car loan is a personal loan, except it is a secured personal loan which uses the vehicle (car, boat or caravan) as security. Secured personal loans usually have a lower interest rate than an unsecured personal loan.
Is a personal loan the best option?
As always, you should compare all options and consider your personal goals and financial situation before making a purchase decision. For more information on personal loans, see our article: what is a personal loan?
If you would like to speak with an expert, our Lending Specialists can talk you through the personal loan options, enquire now.
The information in this article is general in nature and does not constitute as personal advice. Always seek professional advice and familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of a product before you make a decision.